Pine Hill Archery Club Memberships
By Appointment Only:
Currently, we are accepting 2024 renewal and new member applications by appointment only. Please reach out to Club President or Club Treasurer to make arrangements to meet them or another officer at the club for a tour and membership. Their contact information can be found on the below application.
Please select the link for a membership application.
Pine Hill Archery Club is always accepting applications
for Membership.
The Membership year begins April 1st of each year to
March 31st of the following year.
The cost of Membership for an individual is $135 per year.
The cost of a Membership for a family is $150 per year for the first 3 family members and $5 for each additional family member. Family Membership includes a couple under the same household and their children 18 and younger.
New members can join anytime. Prorating of the membership costs begins in September for NEW MEMBERS ONLY. However, at no time will the prorated membership cost be less than $50. Returning members must pay the full cost regardless of when they renew.
A membership includes access to the entire property 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with the exception of a few dates and times when special events are occurring on the property or during dedicated indoor practices for our youth S3DA team, the Pine Hill Prodigies.
Access to the property is gained by a gate code and a door code for the indoor range that is provided upon payment of the membership dues.
Members of Pine Hill Archery Club agree to comply with the following basic safety rules and regulations and any additional rules posted at the Pine Hill Archery Club.
No children (under age 16) allowed on range(s) without parents, guardian, or coach.
No alcohol allowed on range(s).
No broadhead usage on range targets or 3-D animal targets, unless specifically designated prior to hunting season by the Board of Directors for Pine Hill Archery Club on specifically marked targets.
No hunting on Pine Hill Archery Club property.
No crossbows at this time.